Who is BrandOn

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A Web Developer is working with a computer and communicating with his colleague.A bar code

About BrandOn

BrandOn Digital Inc. is a cozy brand design studio based in Toronto. We are lucky to face a few sunrises daily as we work with clients* within different continents and time zones: Canada, the US, and Europe. Our studio specializes in converting brands' products into mini Art Exhibitions for each of their customers to complete the puzzle of feelings, emotions, & functionality.

Customers desire to feel the energy of care. We believe that abstract art can cause that sensation. We are aligned with neuroscience about visual impact and imprinting concepts. And, our personal mission is to trigger an intellectual kaleidoscopic orgasm of end customers to complete the formula.

We provide brands with all essentials such as brand and marketing strategy, identity design, interactive websites, packaging, photography & videography production, illustrations, 3D rendering, digital marketing & SEO, marketing collateral, and other visual content development.

We are thrilled to walk our clients through this exhilarating journey of their brand's blossom and to show how "feelings" control the perception. We feel SATISFACTION when hear success stories of brands, their customers, and their owners. BrandOn Digital helps brands that are at the earliest stage of their development. Likewise, we are excited to provide a full brand therapy for brands already on the market. We work with all segments: from small businesses to business sharks, offering smart packages to fulfill all the needs.

*  We are not working with clients from russia, and those who support & spread the war. We support humanity and beleive in Love - the most powerful energy that can change the world!

a woman in white shirt staring at big empty wall in an Art Gallery
Brand Stories
Ukrainian traditional ornament from vyshyvanka

BrandOn's Digital


  • BrandOn Digital chose "Brandon Grotesque" font as its language of communicating with people. "Brandon" is part of a name. And "Grotesque" describes how he plays with contrasts in creating that special unbalanced balance. As well, some senses of his eclectic nature.
  • Was born during a big transitioning era on Earth. Est. on 02.02.2022.
  • Is an essentialist and empath.
  • Smells like thick delicate cotton with a pinch of velvety and sandalwood.
  • Wears a classy pair of oxford shoes. Sometimes, with playful socks. He likes small accents mixed on a base.
  • Enjoys visiting Art Galleries and Exhibitions. He likes to absorb the vibe from different creative performances.
  • Is feminine and masculine. Like Yin-Yang.
  • Based in Toronto but has Ukrainian roots.
  • Is a walker! He travels around the world to learn new systems, new perspectives. He is inspired by stories of people, special places, cities, architecture, and organic objects.
  • As a child used to craft 3D objects. Also created own textures, typography, and new language.
  • Collects sunsets and he has a secret power to meet 2 of them daily, chilling on 2 different continents at once.
A Black Velvet background that moves up and down on scrollBrand, Turn On element image

Our Services


Branding & Identity Design

We always start with a strategy session before moving to a styling phase. It is a core step for every business to crystallize its mission, vision, strategy, and the big idea. This step is always full of insights for the brand owners. During the strategy session, we will also rethink your positioning on a market, and will help your brand to take a seat at the top-list in your niche or even to invent a new one.

Abstract person in costume is seating on a chair

Then, we will create a versatile identity design system. Your brand will owe it's own style, a visual language, mood, personality. Logo will generate a face for your brand. Typography will not only become a tongue of your brand, but will play an association row game with your audience. Colors will trigger some particular cells in brain to promt and promote emotions. Patterns, iconography, and more...

Let's connect all the dots to make sure your brand will story tell it's features and dignities through design with a right messaging. Let's discover your Brand's AHA moment!

Marketing Collateral

Like every person and pet has an ID or passport, it is quite important to set up your brand with all essentials. When you are in business, you cannot go out for dinner without a business in your portmone/purse. As you cannot predict a wow moment whe you meet your best client/partner/investor. Show up large and introduce your Brand to the world!

Woman in glasses with kaleidoscope feel

We do a full package of stationary and marketing collateral. The basics includes letterheads, business cards, posters, flyers, mugs, totes, hats, T-Shirts, pencils, etc. We prepared different bundles based on your brand needs. Another useful thing is having an email template, as you want your lovely customers to always stay engaged. BrandOn Digital also prepare a visual style for the Instagram account of your brand so it can be fully assembled to continue sharing stories with others!

Put your Brand's Logo on all important stuff. Be recognizable!


What can be a bigger pleasure for your business than happy customers? What can be a bigger pleasure for your customers than to feel that their favourite brand cares so much about them. Packaging is much more than just a box on a shelf in stores. Packaging - is the face of your brand that creates impressions, emotions, reputation. It has an invisible line of copy on it — "choose me!".

A man is working on web design project

Packaging creates a culture for your brand. It easily translates the mindset of the brand, the mood, the visual style. And the most important — the messaging. It speaks up about the character of your brand. It can be classy, funny, solid, colorful, happy, serious... All the ways around. But the biggest power is that it helps to find your brand's specific audience and to communicate with it accordingly.

BrandOn Digital will dress up and elevate the level of your products to fulfill the brand's mission and your customers' needs.

Web Design

Website is not just a space of attractive information on the Internet. It is an environment where all emotions live. It is a room that connects people and creates communities from small to large. It is a place that elevates your brand's image. It is an area where all engaging stuff happening.

A Web Developer is working on the computer

Great functional website is not a complete solution. We are in solidarity with neuroscience that talks a lot about the power of visual communications. Therefore, we mix simple website UX solutions with abstract art to engrave it in memory. Art also expands the imagination, leaving humans with an intrigue for afterthoughts. BrandOn Digital offers a fully custom web design to distinguish your brand on a market at your niche.

We are looking for brave clients to go far beyond standards. Let's create for your brand a special environment to use its full power.

Web Development & SEO

Websites are HOMEs for brand. Like we organize our physical home, website should have a smart system. Each door should bring your customers to the targeted room, to engage them with a relevant content, and make them feel relaxed home-alike. It should also have a secure main door.

an white empty chair with a black sweater in the room on it

We implement interactive animation to help your brand to communicate with users creatively, bringing their close attention to your brand. As well, we apply SEO rules such as coding system, speed, keywords as markers, hierarchy, smart tagging, creative headlines, and alt tags that will make your site accessible. This all will trigger the search engine and will push your site upper in google.

BrandOn Digital will help your brand to jump higher in rank by improving organic traffic. Will generate more leads and increase your conversion rates.

Digital Marketing

Advertising your business digitally is a crucial for it's success. The right marketing strategy can scale and maximize your business in a short period of time. Knowing your audience behaviour helps to determine the right strategy specifically for your brand.

Four brown simple boxes without any design are shown

BrandOn Digital will help you to always stay proper engaged with your audience, to generate more leads, to increase conversions, to drive your online sales. We will optimize your search engine to invite more potential customers. We will teach how to x10 the engagement by executing digital ad campaigns, and email campaigns. We will elevate your social media space and will increase its effectiveness and demand. You will learn how to measure results.

Our studio will help to build your customers loyalty, and to create an exclusive and eco relationships on a long run.

Photo & Video Production

A smashing brand strategy and design is not the end of the deal. Now we are moving to content creation stage. Let's filling your brand with all the toppings to effectively promote it.

A magazine is shown

Perhaps you brand may need some photography for the website and social media to showcase products and the vibe. As well for emails, banners, print materials, advertising campaigns, etc.

Your brand may also need some crispy videos to push the brand awareness even further. Videos for Tik-Tok and Instagram reels & stories, YouTube, commercials & blow-minding campaigns... Sounds like for your brand? Be assure to receive a glossy quality. The process includes video production, video editing phase, and post-production features such as VFX, sound effects, motion graphics.

Illustration & Animation

What can be stronger than non-verbal communication? Our ancestors communicated through illustrations in caves back to the stone age. Visual communication is still the fastest tool to absorb information as well as to deliver a core message regardless of language chosen.

A weird white 3D shape

Your brand may need illustrations for a variety of things: for a website, for digital ads, for print materials, for social media (Tik-Tok, Instagram, Youtube), for pitches, different presentations, etc. BrandOn Digital offers 2D and 3D illustrations. We have a different options for you: static and motion graphics. The service includes all features: script, storyboard, graphics, animation, voice-over, sound production.

Now your brand can share even more fascinating stories with the world, but in an extraordinary way! The information and the message you wish to deliver, will imprint and will have a long-lasting effect.


Our process typically looks like this.

Join the QuestBlue triangle is animating moving up and down slowly
Wanna be part of Team?
White triangleBlue triangle is rotating on scroll
We are HIRING!
the team is solving a quest stuck in a net

BrandOn wants to convert a browsing of digital products into an Art Galerry with the purpose to impact/evoke peoples feelings. There is always a reason why people stare on Art for so long visiting some exzibitions. We want to create an exzibition for each brand which they customers can attend, enjoy juicy notes, take aways from it, and then to come buy a product from a brand. We care about satisfaction both. This is the only way how it works.
BrandOn is also partly a human. He experienced all such feelings of a care need. to be important, and so on. BrandOn watched how diferent brand opens and closed. BrandOn explored the world and was able to feel happiness and regredness when it was time for some brands to shut down. BECAISE! Nowadays, Brands are as humans as we are. It's not anymore a store or online platform to buy and sell goods. It is all about atmosphere and human interactions. Even if chat-bots are required. It is stiill shoukd be a feeling that someone cob]=vers a box for our, and lift on a top a cute bant. BranfOn wants to help other brands to share their stories. story! their own story!

Our Simple Why